Apandi Ali must resign because bringing disrepute to AG Chambers

" The office of Attorney General Chambers carries integrity and commanded respect from the people as the epitome of legal fraternity and prosecutor on behalf of public interest. 

Hence, the term public prosecutor is often used for the officials in the AGC."

Even Apandi Ali himself stated that he is a public prosecutor when he cleared Najib Razak of any wrongdoing 3 weeks ago.

There were so many things that had happened after he desperately tried to save Najib and in the eyes of the public, this had exposed Apandi as a below average Attorney General. 

Let’s re-visit his original statement:

‘RM2.6 billion’

With regard to the investigation paper on the alleged “RM2.6 billion” which was transferred into the personal account of YAB PM, I am satisfied that based on the evidence from witnesses and supporting documents submitted to me by the MACC show that the sum of US$681 million (RM2.08 billion) transferred into the personal account of YAB PM between 22.03.2013 and 10.04.2013 is a personal donation to YAB PM from the Saudi royal family which was given to him without any consideration.

Saudi government had revealed that the US$681 million was not a donation after all. 

In fact it was actually a sum paid for a ‘business deal’ or to put it rather subtly, an ‘investment’.

This had debunked the BBC report which had said the money was a normal donation given by the late King Abdullah.

MACC in their investigation personally met and recorded statements from witnesses including the donor which confirm that the donation was given to YAB PM personally.

This confirms that the donor is still alive, and had not yet died. 

Therefore, it is impossible for the late King Abdullah to be the donor.

Because of the half baked statement he made, Apandi had to make another statement by saying the actual donor was one of the late King’s sons. 

Since Apandi is still making half baked statements and not forthcoming with the name of this Prince, the public can hazard a guess that it was Prince Turki Abdullah, the dodgy prince whose company, the dubious Petrosaudi received billions of ringgit from 1MDB back in 2009.

I am satisfied that there is no evidence to show that the donation was a form of gratification given corruptly. 

Evidence obtained from the investigation does not show that the donation was given as an inducement or reward for doing or forbearing to do anything in relation to his capacity as prime minister.

Since it is not a donation, and surely a ‘business deal’ or an investment will have consideration, Najib Razak has broken many laws in Malaysia. 

And besides, only a stupid public prosecutor will think that someone will give billions of money not because he is a prime minister. 

What if Najib Razak is Najib Tukiman and works as a teacher in Pekan? 

Will anyone give him billions of ringgit in his capacity as a teacher?

Furthermore, in August 2013, a sum of US$620 million (RM2.03 billion) was returned by YAB PM to the Saudi royal family because the sum was not utilised.

It did not come as a surprise when he claimed that US$620 was returned to the sender because various reports had exposed that Najib had remitted billions to an account in Singapore. 


Until now they never admitted whose account was it in Singapore, but we all can hazard a guess by now.

But let’s just say Apandi and Najib want to continue fooling us by sticking to their narrative that those billions are a donation. 

Then why on earth did Najib ‘send’ it back? 

If it was indeed a donation he should have used the balance to help the country, giving out scholarships, build schools or hospitals, or compensate toll operators so that the people won’t have to pay higher toll prices, etc. 

Or maybe, just maybe, we have an idiot at the helm who did not know how to help his own people with US$620 million?

Anyway what kind of ‘investment’ did he actually do with the unreturned US$61 million and how much was the ROI (return on investment) he had given to the generous giver?

Is Najib Razak now an investment institution? 

Is he licensed and qualified?

Above all, Najib himself said to an UMNO audience that he had used all US$681 million back in 2013 and this is confirmed by a supreme council member.

Also, Najib time and time again had never claimed he had returned the money.

Najib, Apandi and the sychophants in UMNO are full of contradictions.

Based on the evidence from witnesses and supporting documents submitted, I am satisfied that no criminal offence has been committed in relation to the said RM2.08 billion donation.

If a public official receives even one sen of donation in their personal bank accounts it will breach the MACC Act, what more billions of ringgit by a member of parliament? 

And it’s confirmed that the billions is payment for a ‘business deal’. 

The banking documents exposed by Wall Street Journal last year even stated it as ‘payment’.

Part of the payment made. 

Payments were in two tranches, one is US$620 million and the other is US$61 million. 

All made to the personal bank account of the Prime Minister.

On the same matter, I am satisfied that as no criminal offence has been committed, there is no necessity for Malaysia to make a request for a mutual legal assistance to any foreign States for the purpose of completing the criminal investigation by the MACC in relation to the said RM2.08 billion donation.

The desperation of this handpicked public prosecutor in saving his boss can even be seen by a blind goldfish. 

Since Prince Turki is the suspected ‘benefactor’ and he was involved with 1MDB, surely MACC must be given the required legal assistance to investigate the wide reach of this criminal activity. 

But he did not want to. 

And it was embarrassing for Malaysia to have its AG trying to close and cover up this investigation while other countries are simultaneously trying to investigate the truth for us.

SRC International

With regard to the two investigation papers on SRC International, I am satisfied that no criminal offence has been committed based on the following reasons:

Under the MACC Act 2009

There are no evidence to show that YAB PM has abused his position during the Cabinet meeting which approved the government guarantee on the RM4 billion loan to SRC International from Kumpulan Wang Persaraan (Diperbadankan) (KWAP);

Evidence also show that the loan approval process by KWAP and the loan guarantee approval by the Cabinet were properly done;

There are no evidence to show that YAB PM had solicited or was promised any gratification from any party either before, during or after the Cabinet decision was made;

The evidence as a whole does not disclose any conflict of interest on the part of YAB PM; and

MACC itself admitted that based on their investigation, there are no evidence from the witnesses that could show that YAB PM had committed any act of corrupt practice.

We’re guessing this iconic picture summarily can debunk his own reasons in the paragraphs above. 

Surely getting millions of money into your private and credit card accounts is deemed to be breaching the MACC Act 2009.

Under the Penal Code

There are no evidence to show that YAB PM had any knowledge and/or was informed that monies had been transferred into his personal accounts from the account of SRC International;

Again, the picture above tells a thousand words. 

And yes, we the ordinary people also have no knowledge from where we receive millions into our personal bank accounts. 

Nor should we report it to anyone too. 

We just don’t want people to ask questions about it. We just want to spend it peacefully.

There are no evidence to show that YAB PM had given any approval for the transfer of monies from the account of SRC International into his personal accounts; and

Maybe somebody somehow magically knew Najib Razak’s personal account number for the millions to be banked in.

Evidence show that at all material times, YAB PM was of the belief that all payments which were made by him were made from the donation received from the Saudi royal family which was earlier transferred to his personal accounts.

Yet, Apandi Ali said all the ‘donation/business deal/investment’ money was returned in 2013; 

but the transfer from SRC International was made in mid to late 2014.

 Did Najib Razak lie to the AG? 

Is stupidity the main criteria to be the AG now?

Based on the facts and evidence as a whole, I, as the public prosecutor, am satisfied that no criminal offence has been committed by YAB PM in relation to the three investigation papers. 

I will return the relevant investigation papers to MACC today with the instruction to close the three investigation papers.

Seems like Apandi Ali is acting more of Najib Razak’s defense lawyer, judge and jury for this deceit.

With all the contradicting and stupid remarks by Apandi Ali, he has no choice but to resign from his post before he erode the AGC office even further and made it the laughing stock of the world.

The public can demand the resignation of any public official since we are a democracy. 

The moment any public official take for granted the taxpayers money used to pay their salary and beholden to their leaders and not to the public, then they have become a tool for a dictatorship. 

Hope an independent commission can find someone who will not act as a stooge for the corrupt.

A tip for Apandi’s successor, why don’t you investigate from where this benefactor obtained those billions for it to find its way into Najib Razak’s personal bank accounts and please ask Najib Razak to list down everything that he had spent it on. 

Every single sen must be accounted for so that we can confirmed it was not used for personal gain. 

The PUBLIC wants to know. 

What did he buy with those credit cards anyway? 

So do your job properly. 

This should alleviate a little bit of your tattered reputation as a public prosecutor.


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