Najib Razak broke his own pledges and he is a big liar

In February 2013, 3 months before the 13th General Elections, Najib “I am not a crook” Razak signed a pledge for clean polls which had called for:

The candidate to observe the principles of truth, integrity, ethical conduct and accountability, including not accepting or giving bribes or being involved in any way in corrupt practices.

The candidate shall uphold and give priority to the interests of the Rakyat as a whole.

The candidate shall practice good governance and transparency.

The candidate shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations of Malaysia.

As history have put it, Najib “I am Chosen By God” . 

Najib Razak broke every single item in that pledge. 

This was confirmed by the custodian of the pledges themselves – the Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M), whereby in April 2013, they observed that Najib had already broken his own pledge.

I will put on a serious face and sign this, but I have no intention to keep my pledge and will appoint Paul Low as minister to appease TI-M.

And in July 2015, it was discovered that barely a month after signing that pledge in February 2013, Najib received billions of ringgit in his personal bank accounts; violating the MACC Act many times over.

What transpired next was a series of mind-boggling events which could only be described as the darkest days of Malaysian politics. 

For the past 10 months, Malaysians were subjected to the worst political drama acted out by their own Prime Minister and his sycophants.

Najib created a tradition where a prime minister had no qualms to break promises, tell lies, avoid questions and reporters, avoid accountability, arbitrarily use laws to de-criminalise himself as well as firing, transferring and arresting innocent people.

‘Cash is King’ is the slogan being practised by Najib and his party; where money rules and loyalty can be easily bought. 

Sometimes, even intelligence and integrity can be sold for RM1 million.

This is why Najib and his party will be doomed come next general election. 

Unless the party can do the unthinkable; by gaining some good conscience and doing the right thing.


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