So which crazy Arab was interviewed by BBC regarding to the 1MDB money scandal ?

A few of days ago, the sycophants were overjoyed in their quest to white wash Najib Razak from his corruption scandal – when BBC published a story which somehow had coincided with Apandi Ali’s statement which acquitted Najib even before any charges were brought forward to the courts. 

Facebook and other social media platforms were littered with their joyfulness.

The story was about one ‘well-placed’

Saudi source who had told BBC amazing ‘facts’ about the multi billion ringgit ‘donation’ our Najib Razak had received back in 2013.

The story goes like this:

The well-placed Saudi source, who has asked not to be named, told the BBC the payment was authorised from the very top – from Saudi Arabia’s late King Abdullah – with funds coming from both his personal finances and state funds.

Prince Turki bin Abdullah, one of the king’s sons, is reported to have had extensive business dealings in Malaysia.

The purpose of the donation was simple, said the Saudi source – it was to help Mr Najib and his coalition win the election, employing a strategic communications team with international experience, focusing on the province of Sarawak, and funding social programmes through party campaigning.

But why should the Saudis care about an election in a non-Arab country more than 6,000 km (3,700 miles) away? 

The answer, the source said, lay in their concerns over the rising power of the Muslim Brotherhood, which they consider a terrorist organisation. 

The Saudis were already upset at events in Egypt, where President Mohammed Morsi was busy consolidating the Brotherhood’s hold on the country. It would be another three months before Mr 

Morsi was to be deposed by the army, and the Saudis were convinced that the opposition was being supported by the Brotherhood and Qatar, which backed the Brotherhood and other Islamist groups in the Middle East.

So how unusual is it for the Saudi royal family to hand over this amount of cash in a personal donation?

 Not at all, said the Saudi insider, adding that Jordan, Morocco, Egypt and Sudan have all been beneficiaries of multi-$100m donations from the Saudi royal purse. 

“There is nothing unusual about this donation to Malaysia,” he said. 

“It is very similar to how the Saudis operate in a number of countries.”

Saudi Arabia was quick to support the overthrow of Mr Morsi in Egypt, providing the military-backed government with billions of dollars in aid and loans. 

Jordan has been the beneficiary of more than $1bn in Saudi development funding, while Riyadh has deposited more than $1bn in Sudan’s central bank and signed deals to finance dams on the Nile. 

Morocco has been provided with oil, financing, investments and jobs in recent years.

In conclusion, this WELL-PLACED source told the world that the late King Abdullah who died in January 2015, had used the money from Saudi Arabia’s government as well as his personal money to contribute USD681 million and banked into Najib’s private bank accounts. 

One of his sons has some dodgy business dealings with Malaysia too. 

Apparently back in 2013, Malaysia did not have enough funds from their yearly Budget to pay for social programmes and Barisan Nasional had no money to cover the costs of 2013 General Elections campaign hence, the handout was given.

Najib must have been the world’s best beggar.

Also, it is also to curtail the influence of Muslim Brotherhood, a terrorist organisation. 

The donation of this nature is not unusual because the leaders in Jordan, Morocco and Egypt as well as the Governor of Sudan’s central bank have also secretly received billions of dollars in their own private bank accounts! 

Where the money were then disbursed out in order to do whatever they were instructed to do by the King of Saudi Arabia.

If the story above is not weird enough, it seems back in December 2015 our Deputy Prime Minister, Zahid Hamidi had confirmed that the donation came from many donors.

“As your future Prime Minister, do you think I am more clever than my would-be predecessor?”

However MACC said, they have met this one and only donor which was never officially identified. 

So who is telling a lie? 

Was it the MACC, or Zahid Hamidi? 

Or did Zahid Hamidi just confirmed that this ‘well-placed’ Saudi source is a liar?

And it gets more bizarre to learn that MACC have met a donor which have died more than 6 months before this ‘donation’ fiasco was exposed.

Or maybe the more logical explanation would be that this crazy Saudi source did not know what he is saying and had simply dropped names. Surely King Abdullah must not be the donor. 

Otherwise, MACC must have interviewed the late King using the ouija board.

This is also the paid sycophants’ main mode of communications with their paymaster

The story gets weirder when the donation was said to be given in order to stem the rise of Muslim Brotherhood. 

But back in June 2012, Najib Razak congratulated President Morsi as the new President of Egypt!

A dictator congratulating a terrorist leader? 

Can be a plot in the next Leonardo DiCaprio’s movie

Hello Najib, didn’t you know that Morsi is a terrorist?! 

Won’t your future donor-to-be be furious at you for congratulating Morsi at that point of time?

But the icing on the cake is when Najib Razak himself invited the Chairman of Muslim Brotherhood’s political party,

Dr Saad Katatni to speak in Umno’s General Assembly in December 2013!

Of course Dr Saad Katatni could not come as he was in jail in Egypt at that time but his speech was delivered DURING Umno’s general assembly by his representative.

The content of the speech?

It’s about promoting moderation, democracy and criticising extremism! Is Muslim Brotherhood really a terrorist organisation?

Hello Mr. ‘Well-Placed’ Saudi Source, do you really know anything about anything at all?

BBC really need to do serious homework before they quote any Tom, Dick and Harry’s fairy tales.

Or maybe at that time, it was just a slow news day at the BBC headquarters.

The best part is, the government of Saudi Arabia and even its Ambassador here in Malaysia are keeping quiet about this. 

They are neither denying or confirming all these crazy stories by the BBC. 

As it is, other more prominent news agency had tried to get comments from the Saudi royal family but to no avail.

The closest glimpse of any real and believable story came from the Sydney Morning Herald where a spokesperson for the Saudi Foreign Ministry said his government will investigate the claim made by our Attorney General that USD620 million was returned to the royal family.

And Dow Jones News reported that “a Saudi government official, while declining to comment specifically on the prosecutor’s statement, said the Saudi ministries of foreign affairs and finance had no information about such a gift and that a royal donation to the personal bank account of a foreign leader would be unprecedented.“

Saudi government doesn’t know about this multi billion affair eventhough we are told that King Abdullah had also used Saudi’s ‘state funds’ to finance Umno’s campaign in Malaysia’s general election?

Now, we wonder who this ‘well-placed’ Saudi source that was looked upon so highly by some quarters here in Malaysia. His ‘facts’ have made us laughed quite a bit.

We hope this crazy Arab (if he is an Arab at all) is not someone who is associated with this missing person:

Looks familiar ? Looks like him but not 'Him'
Used to be very popular and somewhat likeable. 

Now a ‘pariah’ in his own country.


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